Bobsled Broadcast Media Team AUDIO~! Clinton H. and I in the lobby of the Fairmont Whistler Chateau Resort...
We have had so many long days lately and still not a day off since I've been here ... but hey, who cares! I love this! Having the time of my life and it feels so refreshing to sleep like a rock at night because you've worked your hands to the bone, and legs up the Mountains of Whistler all night!
Listening to Shane & Shane "Yearn For You" right now and thinking of how long I've been wrestling with God for control of my life... I feel so "on edge" with my relationship with him ... I know he'll wait on me, but I don't know what its going to take for me to fully commit back to spending time with Him...
Completely a retrospective look at my life the past 5 or so months.... when you're up in the beauty of his creation hanging mics and working hard in Whistler, Canada you have a lot of time to think about Philosophical things such as that...
I'm definitely playing with fire in my life lately ... just waiting for something to go wrong because I truly am not depending on His work in my life, but simply and only my own works... that can only last so long ....
Lord, help me to come up with new goals for my life and your guidance in my life. Amen.
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